Monday, September 11, 2006


(Yes, I realize these are largely irrelevant. And intellectual property Butch Hartman / property of Nickolodeon. This thing just needs pictures every once in a while)

Ratings on non-TIFF films to come late Tuesday early Wednesday. Available entities within the realm of possibility include The Covenant, Hollywoodland, The Protector, Accepted, Beerfest, The Wicker Man, and Trust the Man. TIFF films to come... when they're released (or not) outside of Toronto. HFS I'm just that lucky.

Trust the Man - 1/2
The Wicker Man - *1/2

Crank - ** '
How to Eat Fried Worms - ***
The Illusionist - **
Invincible - ** '
John Tucker Must Die - *1/2
Little Miss Sunshine - *1/2
Quinceanera - **1/2

Snakes on a Plane - **1/2
Step Up - **
World Trade Center - *1/2
Barnyard - *1/2
Pulse - **1/2 '

Recently Viewed
The Bicycle Thief - ** (35) (Hello, my name is ITALIAN GUY. Because my bike was stolen, life sucks, everything sucks. I searched everywhere and could not find it, and when I attempted to force my way out of the middle class by stealing someone else's bike so I could do my job, I was run down and mobbed, thus ending my dreams of economic improvement. Thank you Mr. Sica for stacking the deck, flagrantly prohibiting me from advancing in society, with the only ostensible purpose being to smear my face in the dirt. Did I mention I have no interesting characteristics?)

The Crucible - *** (67) (Perhaps thunder from the ongoing storm is to account for the increase? Staggering nonetheless at times, even without the non-diegetic help)
Full Metal Jacket - *** (64)
Network - ***1/2 ' (84)
Predator - **1/2 ' (55) (How does mud negate thermal scanning? Legitimate macho deconstruction, I guess. Invisibility is such bullcrap.)

The Wicker Man (1973) - **1/2 (49) (Forsooth, it was but a clever ruse!)

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